Learn a new language in 1 year

Advice given in this book:

  • The most effective language learning methods
  • How you must alter your learning routine as you improve your level in order to learn a language in the most efficient way
  • The best resources available to help you find language learning partners
  • The best methods to learn grammar without the stress
  • Efficient methods for remembering words long term
  • How to boost your motivation to continue learning until the end
  • Reasons why you should be learning a new lanugage
  • Details of methods you should avoid
  • Click here to download sample pages

Chapter list
3 About this book
9 Who is this book for?
13 Why I wrote this book
15 “I speak English. Why learn a new language?”
23 Grammar and language terms
33 Learn a language to what level?
39 My own experience of learning languages
45 Language choices
51 The language learning curve
55 Language learning secrets
89 Language learning resources
111 Other language learning methods and terms
129 Before you start
139 Stage 1 - Months 1, 2 & 3
163 Stage 2 - Months 4, 5 & 6
183 Stage 3 - Months 7, 8 & 9
191 Stage 4 - Months 10, 11 & 12
203 Language learning tips
207 Challenge over
211 Interesting language fact
217 The end

This book was written for the purpose of helping anyone who wants to learn a new language in an effective, efficient, inexpensive and enjoyable way. By using the advice and methods described in this book anyone can learn a new language to a conversational level in only 1 year without leaving your country and without the need of a language learning college or university course.

Part 1 of this book covers general advice and knowledge about language learning along with information and facts about languages in general.

Part 2 of this book contains a step by step 4 part guide, which describes the changes that you must make as you progress in learning your new language in order to make your language learning experience a success.

As a speaker of 5 languages, I have used my knowledge and experience gathered from 15 years worth of language learning to help me write this book. I have also researched deeper into many of the topics discussed in this book for the purposes of writing this book.